I can't remember how long it has been now since I started wanting a little puppy.
I know, they say people never change their mind about their desire between cats and dogs but I may be the first one that you will know.
I have always grown up around cats and even though I have loved them, it has been the other hand it has been hard for them to let me pet them and hug them because they only want to be touched when they want to be.
Now dogs, are a different story all-together. They will let you hug them, rub them, feed them, play with them and they are like having a little friend with you all the time.
I asked my Poppy to get me a puppy after Pop got a new dog a few years ago. He had several dogs but they were all older and they would let you hung and feed them and pet them but they were to old to run and play. When Pop got Sky that all changed and we have grown up together these last few years and this has made me to want a puppy.
Well we went to the dog pound to try and find a puppy but all we found were large dogs that would not work out for me.
My Aunt has a small dog that is just the right size except that he barks all of the time. Now that is something that would would take getting used to.
Every week I ask Poppy if I can get a dog and he always tells me, "Maybe later."
MAYBE LATER, I want one while I am little not to have to wait until I am bigger, after all I am eight years old!! Doesn't that help in any way.
Well I got me a puppy sorta.., My Aunt Emily brought it over to me in a small carrying bag all of it's own.