Sunday, June 19, 2016

Picture Perfect

My grand daughter has always hated to have her picture taken, because she said, "You are just snapping away all the time.

I guess it goes back to when I was young and we only took pictures on Special Occasions or Events and we had so few pictures of us growing up. When our son came along, we took many pictures of him and we are glad to have all of the ones that we took.

 Such a Beautiful Little Girl

Now with grand children and the smart cell phones it is much easier to take pictures of everyone that maybe we have gone mad at taking pictures.

I started this blog in 2007 when my grand daughter was born to be like a Journal for her of her years growing up. As she gets older she can look back on the years and see her journey of growing up and the changes that she has made over the years.

Stories or things that she has said, I have blogged them so that she can remember them.

 Flexing her Pecks

So I got me a new Smart Phone and as usual, I have had to spend many days learning where and how to use everything on it. I loved my other phone because you could zoom in and take a close up picture of someone when they were smiling and they never knew that the picture had been taken.

The other day I was taking pictures with the camera on the phone and accidentally hit the phone volume button and it increased the picture size, but I was unsure of how to make it go back to the original size. So I hit the volume button to lower the volume and the picture went back to the original size. I found out that you could zoom out to five times the original picture while taking the picture. 

So today, I finally got some great close ups of my grand daughter.

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