Wednesday, October 1, 2014

The Little Red Car

Chloe informed me this week that she has out grown her "little red car," and it was time for me to store it away in the attic.

I said that we could sell it and she could have the money, knowing all the time that I could never sell it because of all the memories connected to this little car.

"No," she said, I want to keep it and when I have kids they will want to ride in it at your house and have as much fun as I have riding in it.

She reminded me again the fun she had of finding the red car and of all the fun that she had, had riding and playing in it and that is was also an antique. I asked her, "How did you know that it was an antique." Well when we first got it you said the it was made in 1957 and that is old and so it is an antique." Then I told her, "Well I must be and old antique because I'm older than that."

"Poppy,  your a person they get older only old things become antiques."

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