Friday, April 4, 2014

Dog's Are A Little Girl's Best Friends

Chloe loves to play with the dogs at Pop's house. At home she has only cats and they are hard for her to pet when she gets excited, but the dogs just love it.
Penny is about ten years old and has arthritis in her rear legs. She is a Blue-healer bird dog and in her younger days she loved to tree squirrels and birds.

Penny is the older dog and she is much slower, but Chloe has known her since she could crawl. They have a special bond but since she is older she doesn't like to run and play anymore. Penny doesn't like Sky the other dog to come around while she is getting petted with love and affection.

Now Sky on the other hand is a younger dog just over two years old. He is part German Shepard and Border Collie. He is very protective of Chloe and if she get to far away and he thinks she is in danger he will get in front of her and make her turn around. Whenever we come over to Pops he is always the first to the car and waiting at the back door for Chloe. Whenever she isn't with us he will whine and he let's us know that he is sad. Other than just loving him, she loved to throw a stick and watch him fetch it and bring it back to her.
He loves his hugs and wet kisses and all the petting he wants...,
He know that when she is there he is number one in her eyes. She brings him treats and bones and whenever she is playing outside he is right by her side playing along with her.
Well Chloe, I've enjoyed the petting but I hear a squirrel calling my name and teasing me to try and catch him so I am going to show him who is the boss around here.
Well you go and catch that squirrel and keep it from eating Pop's pecans and I'll just call Penny over here to play with me while you are gone.
I thinks that Penny is to tired to come and play with me so I will sit here and think up what Sky and I can play after he catches the squirrel.

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