Saturday, February 1, 2014

Cousin Time

I have several cousins that live out of State and I enjoy it when they come to visit. They range in age from their thirties to just over one years old.

I love to play with the little one but I have a "Special One" that when he comes he takes me horseback riding on his shoulders, we dance and he showed me how to ride the witches broom. We play hide and go seek and I forget that he is so much older than me.

Here I am sitting in Daron's lap. Don't you think he is so nice looking looking. Everyone says he looks like my Pop.

His mom and dad also came to visit my Grandmother and Poppy and then they asked my grandparents if I could spend the night over at my Pop's house. I was hoping so much for them to say yes and when they did I couldn't wait to get my clothes packed for the overnight stay.
This is Daron's dad and my daddy calls him Uncle Wayne and I do the same. He is my Grandmother's brother, so I could probably call him Grand Wayne since he is my grandmother's brother. He is so cool, and he is the first one to teach me about riding the witches broom. You just take a regular broom and ride it around the house and act like a witch or you could act like a cowgirl if you wanted to.
I go and tell Poppy "Thank You" for letting me go and spend the night at Pop's house, and that I'll be very good and you'll get a great report on how I was.

Maybe we will get to jump on the trampolene and feed the baby calves, or plays with Penny or Skye, Pop's dogs.

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