Thursday, February 21, 2013

Chloe And Zoe

When Chloe was two years old her Grand Mother saw this doll at the store and it reminded her of Chloe. She knew that she had to purchase it for Chloe and she had planned to save it for her as she got older. When Chloe saw the doll she wanted her immediately.

At two years old the doll weighed as much as she did and she would carry it around by hooking her arms around it's arms and wag her as she walked. The were constant companions.

One day we had friends over for lunch and one of the bigger kids decided to brush her hair and change her hairstyle. We didn't find out about this until later when Chloe came crying to us that Zoe's hair wouldn't stay on.

We put her back into her box planning to send it back to the company to get the hair replaced. She stayed in the box for three years.

One day I was cleaning out some cabinets and found our hot glue gun and decided to restore the hair back to Zoe's head. After the repair I put Zoe on Chloe's bed so that when she came over she would see that Zoe was complete again.

When she saw her doll on her bed it was such a happy reunion. She was so glad to have her best friend again. She told me that she wanted to find her a dress that she could wear on Sunday when we went to meeting that would match the dress that she was going to wear. After looking through some of Chloe's outfits that she wore when she was 1year old, she found the one that she would wear.

Sitting in meeting they were singing together and behaving like precious little children.

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