Thursday, November 22, 2012

Pop And His Horses

Growing up Pops dad promised him that if he never smoked he would buy him a horse when he was grown. He had wanted a horse when he was young and they had lived on a farm. They had mules that worked the farm but they were nothing like a horse, so he kept his promise that his dad had made with his dad, but he never got the horse.

As a young man he loved to ride his friend's horse as he never lost that love for horses.

After he was married and they had there first child (my wife) they had her picture taken on a horse in there backyard..

As more children came along and they grew older he bought them each a horse and they rode horses out on their farm. And they all had a love for horses just like he did. As the families grew up and married and grandchildren came along they inherited the same love for horses.

He enjoyed spending time with his grand kids taking them trail riding, horse shows or just a buggy ride.

Whenever he was outside and the grand kids were there they were outside with him because they knew that he would let them ride a horse or go with him to the farm.
Sometimes they would help him around the barn when hay was put up for the winter.

Sometimes it would take two kids working together to get the job done, but working together was fun.

Sometimes they got carried away in there fun and Anna got a load of hay.

As the family has grown and there are more grandchildren, so has the family of horses grown and there are enough for each grand kid to have a couple each to ride. The have names everyone of them and their love for them is the same as their Pops.

Pop has taught them to respect and care for the horse and he will respect and take care of you.

This picture is one of our son on one of his first horse rides.

He loved to ride barrels and ride in the speed class in horse shows and did quite well in these events.

This is one of his favorites, Blackjack and he had one speed, fast. He also had another favorite Sampson.

Sampson had one brown eye and one blue eye and they were one whenever they rode.

Amber riding one of the horses, getting the kinks out.

The third generation of great grand kids are getting riding age and the horses are ready. Pop teaches Chloe how to take care and respect them.

She loves the white horse even though it is to big for her because it reminds her of Peagus, Barbies horse. (minus the wings)

He is teaching Chloe how to put a lead rope on the horse so you can walk them.

After checking on the horses Chloe enjoys walking and talking with Pop and he answers any questions she has. There is no generation gap here just pure love.

Chloe putting out some hay for the horses to eat. She doesn't look at it as work but as time to spend with her Pop.

Pop feeding some of the horses a snack of load bread.

Well the holidays are approaching and the kids, grand kids and the great grand kids will be coming and the horses are ready for their friends and riders because Pop has been taking care of his favorite friends.

We have all heard the saying, "We think that the grass is always greener on the other side of the fence," well in this case it is.

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