Saturday, March 24, 2012

A Fun Day In The Sunshine

We are glad to have a beautiful Spring day and so today we told Chloe that we would enjoy it outside.

She got the duck bread and went out into the yard to get it ready to feed the ducks.

She calls the ducks by mocking their quacking sound and breaks the bread to feed them. She loves to feed the regular ducks but she hates it when the Canada geese come into the yard, because they are so mean and chase the other ducks away.

She loves to run, so today is a good time to release some of that pent up energy. She ran from one side of the yard to the other seeing if she could run faster that the time before.

The lake was looking son enticing and people were walking on the trail and some were fishing and it was just a beautiful Spring day. She came and asked me to take her for a walk around the lake and I told here that she would have to wait until someone came that she could run with because I can't keep up with her when she takes off running.

So she stood by the gate and set by the fence hoping that she could go for a run around the lake. (She calls it a run by the river)

Poppy, if I promise to go slow will you take me for a walk.

David (daddy) saved the day and came by after work, so now she will have someone to go on that run with. The were gone for quite a while and I called David on the phone to see if they needed help. He said that everything was o k, she just wanted to walk to the store and get some rainbow sherbert and have an ice cream. I think in all they ran about two miles.

One thing for sure she will sleep good tonight as will as will David.

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